

31st TAS

Even in the Internet age, it is easy to learn about the features of a product from various online reviews and experience videos. However, audiovisual equipment seems to be an exception. Unless you personally listen to a speaker or headphones on-site, you will never know what kind of experience it will provide.

A few days ago, I accidentally learned that the 31st Shanghai International High-end Audio-visual Exhibition (Top Audio-visual Show, TAS) was about to be held in Shanghai, and the tickets were free. It wasn't too far away, so I decided to go.

List of Exhibitors#

There are many manufacturers participating in this exhibition, both large and small brands. In the subsequent communication, I learned that the majority of the exhibits are new products that have not yet been released. Among them, I am most looking forward to the desktop setup (at least in the foreseeable future, it is impossible to set up a room specifically for audiovisual equipment).

List of Exhibitors

Big Speakers#

I roughly walked around according to the browsing route, took a closer look at the ones I was interested in, and casually listened to the ones I wasn't interested in.

There were many speakers for classical music, which were quite intimidating. Although the sound was loud, the on-site noise made it difficult to hear clearly. Personally, I prefer a more neutral sound when listening, and I always feel that this type of speaker has a noticeable coloration, which I don't particularly like.

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I was most interested in Zhenli. I have previously studied mixing and music production, and whether it is a personal studio or a large-scale recording studio, Zhenli speakers are always present on the mixing engineer's desk. However, I have never heard the sound of Zhenli speakers live, which makes me very excited.

But the most counterintuitive thing is that Zhenli speakers are not really big in size, which makes me very curious about them. Fortunately, Zhenli and Shengyun have a joint exhibition hall, and there is even a lecture.

The general sales manager of Zhenli China said that for speakers, the larger the size, the relatively easier the design and the better the performance. The larger the space, the relatively easier it is to achieve better acoustic design. Therefore, large recording studios in China all adopt this design. However, nowadays, a large number of music works are not produced in large recording studios, but are produced by countless individuals or small studios. Zhenli's products are designed to meet the needs of this group of people.

In short, Zhenli's live performance is indeed very impressive. When I have enough financial resources in the future, I will definitely buy one.

Zhenli & Shengyun Exhibition Hall

Desktop Setup Area#

There were also some pleasant surprises, such as two small speakers from Sound Engine that have not yet been released. They sound very good and give a feeling similar to Zhenli. The price is tentatively set at less than 3k, not bad.

Sound Engine's small speakers

I met a personal content creator who was exhibiting. You can follow them on Xiaohongshu and Bilibili to receive small prizes.

His equipment is mainly from Razer, and the speakers are Zhenli G1.



There were also some exhibitors selling cables and records, as well as some exhibitors showcasing home theater equipment. I wasn't very interested, so I just briefly looked into them.

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Home Theater



I heard more equipment in a few hours than I have in my entire life. It was a very rare opportunity. I strongly recommend that if you have the chance, you must experience it in person.

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