

Demonstate polar interaction between protein and ligand in pymol

Show polar interaction#

  1. Select the ligand in the model and rename the object to 'ligand'.
  2. Select the ligand, actions->around->residues within 5 angstrom, rename the selected object to 'active', show the residues as sticks.
  3. Find the polar interaction: action->find->polar contacts->to other atoms in object.
  4. Some dashed may connect to the blank space, this may caused by hidden water. Show the water within 3.2 angstrom(hydrogen bond is less than 3.2 angstrom) with select $LigandWater, (($ligand)around 3.2) and(resn HOH), then a object named '$LigandWater' is generated.


  1. Click the middle button of the mouse on the atom to set it as the center, rotate to the proper angle to show the interaction.
  2. Display the background with white:Display->background->white.
  3. Click Draw/Ray, set to 300 DPI, click ray.
  4. Remove the shadow if you like: setting->Rendering->shadows->None


  1. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rf4y1v7hL/

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